- Introduction and setup
- Running SCENIC
- Jupyter notebooks to run SCENIC from VSN
- Explore its output (with SCope and R) (edited)
pySCENIC (Python)
SCENIC with VSN-Pipelines (Nextflow DSL2)
SCENICprotocol (Nextflow DSL1)
PBMC 10k dataset (10x Genomics)
- Full SCENIC analysis, plus filtering, clustering, visualization, and SCope-ready loom file creation:
- Extended analysis post-SCENIC:
- To run the same dataset through the VSN Pipelines DSL2 workflow, see this tutorial.
Cancer data sets
Mouse brain data set
SCENIC+ (Python)
- From count matrix and fragments file to enhancer driven gene regulatory network (eGRN)
- Running SCENIC+ step by step
- SCENIC+ analysis on non-multiome data: separate scATAC-seq and scRNA-seq on different cells of the same sample
- Transcription factor perturbation simulation
- Unbranched GRN velocity
- Branched GRN velocity